Archive for January 14th, 2012

Britain facing summer hosepipe ban as drought risk remains high

Telegraph: After many weeks with little rain, southern and eastern areas "remain at high risk of drought' in coming months, the Environment Agency said. Despite some wet weather last month that helped improve river flows and reservoir levels, overall dry conditions meant water levels remained low and groundwater recharge was also slow. On Friday night, officials warned that unless significant rain started falling soon "more drought permits and customer restrictions on public water supplies' could be introduced...

Philadelphia uses tough love to overhaul its water and sewer system

ClimateWire: The day Stuart Parmet's water bill hit the stratosphere, his mind became a swirl of numbers. American Box and Recycling Co., his business, gathers, recycles and distributes cardboard boxes. The factory only had a dozen or so toilets and used no water in the machinery. What was going on? Much of the job of coping with the rigors and risks of climate change will fall to the leaders of major cities around the world. This series explores how some are already beginning to plan for looming political,...