Archive for July 23rd, 2012

Connecticut farmers adapt to climate change

New Haven Register: April showers usually bring May flowers, but this year, the flowers came early. Strange weather across the state and country has many farmers adapting to a severely changing climate. In Madison, a family of farmers pulls out a vegetable stand to the side of the road daily. Though Cole Farms had corn spouting up to two weeks early, they've managed to navigate the weather with some success. "Everything is ahead of schedule this year,' said Dan Cole, co-owner. "We've adapted to it by planting...

United States: 43% of state’s corn crop in poor to very poor condition

Journal Sentinel: Close to half the corn crop in Wisconsin and other corn-producing states is in poor to very poor condition, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Monday, as one of the nation's worst-ever droughts continues to turn the growing season into a nightmare for many. In Wisconsin, 43% of the corn crop is in very poor to poor condition, the report said. About a third of the state's corn - 31% - is considered to be in good or excellent condition by the USDA, and 26% of the state's corn crop is in fair...

US Drought Could Trigger Repeat of Global Food Crisis, Experts Warn

Guardian: America's drought threatens a recurrence of the 2008 global food crisis, when soaring prices set off riots and unrest to parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America, food experts warn. Corn prices reached an all-time high on Friday, as the drought expanded across America, trading at $8.24 a bushel on the Chicago exchange. Soybeans were also trading at record levels. The US department of agriculture meanwhile predicted there would be less corn coming onto global markets over the next...