Archive for August 15th, 2014

Coalition calls for override of Christie fracking waste veto

Asbury Park Press: A coalition of New Jersey groups is calling on the Legislature to protect the state against toxic fracking waste. The Legislature already did. Gov. Christie vetoed it. "Governor Christie by vetoing the frack waste ban has just vetoed clean water in New Jersey. With this veto the Governor has sided with the big polluters against protecting New Jersey's waterways from toxic frack waste. Fracking waste is a witches brew of over 700 different chemicals including some radioactive. He has sided with...

Giant Amazon fish being fished to extinction

Blue and Green: Arapaima, one of the world’s largest freshwater fish, has been fished to extinction in some communities in South America, a new study has found. The arapaima can grow up to 10 foot long (3m) and weigh more than 28 stone (181kg). Its size, and its tendency to swim near the surface of rainforest rivers, makes the fish an easy target. The findings of the study, published in the journal Aquatic Conservation: Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems, contradict traditional bio-economic theory, which says...

Trees lose out to climate change

Earth Times: Pollution and human encroachment may be a great threat elsewhere, but forests are suffering more from wind, bark beetles and wildfire. Europe's forests are very much protected these days, but climate change has been defeating the object of trying to maintain the vestiges of the great Eurasian forest that once covered the land. To check up on forestry worldwide, look at - The Earth Times Encyclopaedia. Studying the last decade, Rupert Seidii, Mart-Jan Schelhaas, Werner Rammer and Pieter Johannes...

Scottish Government says no to UK fracking plans

Energy Live: The UK Government’s plans to remove the right of householders to object to fracking companies drilling under their homes are being opposed by Scotland. Earlier this year the UK Government proposed to grant shale oil and gas firms automatic access to land below 300 metres in a bid to speed up exploration. In return, communities would receive a one-off payment of £20,000 per well. However, Scottish Energy Minister Fergus Ewing believes the powers on this issue should be with Scotland. He said: “The...

Humans now strongest driver of glaciers melting, study finds

Press Association: Melting of glaciers caused by human activity has soared in the past 20 years, a study has shown. Human influence is now the strongest driver of glacier melting, which has been occurring since the end of the “Little Ice Age” in the mid-19th century, it is claimed. Between 1851 and 2010, only a quarter of glacial mass loss was due to human-induced climate change, scientists calculated. But during the last two decades of that period the human contribution rose to two thirds. Lead researcher...