Archive for August 28th, 2014

U.S. to resume oil drilling leases in California

Associated Press: The U.S. Bureau of Land Management will resume issuing oil and gas leases next year for federal lands in California after a new study found limited environmental impacts from fracking and other enhanced drilling techniques, the agency said Thursday. The move will end a halt that has stood since a federal judge ruled in 2013 that the federal agency failed to follow environmental law in allowing an oil extraction method known as fracking on public land in Monterey County. The study released Thursday...

Don’t underestimate rightwing desperation in media attacks on greens

Guardian: The gloves are off. In recent days, a sustained attack on environmentalism has been mounted in the UK media. The Times, the Telegraph and the Financial Times have all run articles by influential journalists blaming the environment community for our current woes. In the Financial Times, John Kay blamed environmentalist's malign influence on procrastinating politicians for the risk that the lights will go out. In the Telegraph a fawning interview of Nigel Lawson by Cristina Odone saw him accusing...

Catastrophic flooding turned U.K. into nation of climate change believers

Salon: What`s it going to take to convince people that climate change is a real and serious threat? I`m loath to think an eye-opening catastrophe`s the answer. Yet, there`s this: Half the people who lived through this past winter in the U.K. - which was marked by widespread flooding - said it made them more convinced that climate change is happening, according to a survey conducted by the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit. And over a quarter of respondents emerged with a strengthened belief that human...

Southwest U. S. may face ‘megadrought’ this century

ScienceDaily: Due to global warming, scientists say, the chances of the southwestern United States experiencing a decade long drought is at least 50 percent, and the chances of a "megadrought" -- one that lasts over 30 years -- ranges from 20 to 50 percent over the next century. The study by Cornell University, University of Arizona and U.S. Geological Survey researchers will be published in a forthcoming issue of the American Meteorological Society's Journal of Climate. "For the southwestern U.S., I'm not...