Archive for May 19th, 2015

They’re Going Door-To-Door In The Amazon To See Why People Get Sick

National Public Radio: Is it the mercury or the malaria? Or maybe it's something else entirely that's making people sick in the Peruvian Amazon. Those questions are bedeviling researchers from Duke University, who've been studying gold mining in the region. Illegal mining has exploded in the area in the last decade. And the people living downriver have a variety of medical issues, from malaria to anemia to high blood pressure. The researchers have documented that mercury used in illegal gold mining ends up hundreds...

How people defend eating meat

ScienceDaily: Meat eaters who justify their eating habits feel less guilty and are more tolerant of social inequality say researchers. An international team of researchers led by Dr Jared Piazza of Lancaster University examined the ways in which people defend eating meat. They found that the vast majority of omnivores defend consuming animals by rationalizing their behavior using one of four rationalizations, which they call the 4Ns. He said: "The relationships people have with animals are complicated. While...