Archive for September 2nd, 2015
Cities are finally treating water as a resource, not a nuisance
Posted by Ensia: None Given on September 2nd, 2015
Ensia: Memorial Day barbecues and parades were thwarted this year in Houston when a massive storm dumped more than 10 inches of rain in two days, creating a Waterworld of flooded freeways, cars, houses and businesses, leaving several people dead and hundreds in need of rescue.
But it was a predictable disaster. That’s because, thanks to a pro-development bent, the magnitude of stormwater runoff has increased dramatically as Houston has sprawled across 600 or so square miles of mud plain veined with rivers,...
A warmer North Pacific is staying warmer, with dramatic impact on marine life
Posted by InsideClimate: Naveena Sadasivam on September 2nd, 2015
InsideClimate: Warm sea temperatures are persisting in the North Pacific longer than at any other time on record, according to a new study published this week, and it is having a dramatic effect on distribution of marine life. In the last year and a half the northeastern part of the Pacific Ocean, between Hawaii and the mainland of North America, has been warmer than at any time since 1900, when such record-keeping began. Sea temperatures there are between 5 degrees to 9 degrees Fahrenheit higher than is typical...