Author Archive

Encouraging Fracking, Britain Offers More Than 150 Sites for Exploration

New York Times: The British government, in an effort to stoke interest from energy companies in extracting fuels from shale rock, said on Thursday that it was offering licenses for oil and gas exploration on 159 tracts of land. The government said that 75 percent of the licenses being offered related to areas thought to contain shale gas or oil. Most of the blocks are in Northwest and Northeast England, and are believed to have substantial shale potential. “We need to get shale gas moving,” Britain’s energy minister,...

Britain Proposes Easier Access to Tap Shale Rock Energy

New York Times: While most western European governments are opposed to developing oil and gas from shale rock through hydraulic fracturing, the British government continues to plug away at the obstacles inhibiting the country’s fledgling shale industry. The government on Friday proposed giving companies the right to drill laterally under land without seeking the consent of each landowner as long as the wells were at least 300 meters, or about 985 feet, deep. It also endorsed industry proposals that operators make...