Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Getting Serious About Funding Ecological Internet and Grassroots Global Ecological Sustainability

After initial success raising 36% of our goal, next week EI’s 2011 mid-year fund-raiser intensifies, continuing until the remaining $25,000 is raised. Act now by donating to Ecological Internet. Dear Earth loving colleagues, Ecological Internet’s 2011 mid-year fund-raiser continues in earnest. While we are 36% to our $40,000 goal, $25,000 remains to be raised. There is nothing left to cut in terms of salary or resources, this is what we need to continue on the cutting edge of the ecological science and IT methods for achieving global ecological sustainability. Ecological Internet is extremely proud of our grassroots global advocacy. Consider Ecological Internet’s history of excellence as you decide whether and how much to donate… Ecological Internet was founded with a grant from the MacArthur Foundation in 1999, as Google Grant recipients we have received nearly a million dollars of free advertising over 5 years, and I – Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet’s founder and President – was recently named a “global visionary” for this work by the Utne Reader – a national U.S. publication. The work sprung from my PhD research which included inventing blogging. During this time, EI has participated in hundreds of ecosystem protection successes, built and managed the world’s largest environmental ...

FUND-RAISER: New Earth Rising & Ecology Visionaries Need to Eat Too!

EI 2011 $40,000 Mid-Year Fund-Raiser. Together you and EI are time after time winning victories for our shared Earth and being. Now EI needs your help paying modest costs to do so at . Dear Earth loving colleagues, It’s official, Ecological Internet has become a global force for ecology sustainability. Just ask the United Nations regarding REDD+ and geo-engineering, UK and other world governments for their logging of old forests, Rainforest Action Network and Greenpeace after being calling out for primary forest logging greenwash; all have felt the wrath of EI’s ecology truth-telling in the past year. Or consider national magazine Utne Reader’s recent naming of myself – Dr. Glen Barry – as a “global visionary… changing your world” for our innovative biocentric campaigning, including challenging mainstream groups. Ecological Internet’s (EI) biannual fund-raiser launches today. We must raise $40,000 over the next several weeks to pay for our basic expenses including my subsistence until the end of the year. This is how EI has raised most of our funds for the past 12 years – network members and information users donating what they can when asked twice a year. It is absolutely essential we meet this goal and we will ...

ALERT! Dear President Obama: All We Are Saying Is Give Peace and Ecology a Chance

From New Earth Rising, project of Ecological Internet (EI) Contact: Dr. Glen Barry, President, Ecological Internet TAKE ACTION NOW! The Human Family Says End the Wars, Bring American Boys and Girls Home, Fight Ecocide: It is time for President Obama to recommit America to the rule of international law; and begin demobilizing to realize a peace dividend for global ecology, human rights and needs, and worker equity. Again! End the wars, fight ecocide!

RELEASE/ALERT: Time to Boycott Rainforest Action Network for Its Primary Rainforest Logging

By Earth's Newsdesk, a project of Ecological Internet CONTACT: Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet calls for America’s largest and wealthiest rainforest protection organization to resign from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) [search] and finally end their shameful greenwash of primary forest logging [search]. Until their enabling of the final industrial destruction of global rainforests stops, and RAN resigns from FSC, Ecological Internet calls for an immediate boycott of Rainforest Action Network. If you love rainforests, you really must take action on this one and call-out the rainforest logging greenwash apologists so that together we can move to protect and restore old forests. TAKE ACTION HERE NOW Demand RAN resign from FSC primary forest logging - ask RAN about their FSC primary logging support on their Facebook page please ALERT! Tell Old Forest Loggers and Apologists to End Primary Rainforest Logging - note there are two respectful protest emails, including one to RAN

ALERT! Tell Old Forest Loggers and Apologists to End Primary Rainforest Logging

By Ecological Internet's Rainforest Portal TAKE ACTION HERE NOW! As world's forest protection policy glitterati meet in the Congo to finalize the final logging of much of Earth's large and contiguous rainforests; let loggers, governments, UN and NGOs supporting primary forest logging known that industrial forestry can never be ecologically sustainable. Achieving global ecological sustainability depends critically upon maintaining intact forest ecosystems, ending first time industrial primary logging and other industrial development. The best path to global forest sustainability is to protect all standing primary and old growth forests, helping them to expand, and be used standing by local communities to advance themselves through small scale community businesses including ecotourism, eco-forestry, carbon payments, etc. It is simply unacceptable ecologically that the fate of Earth's last old forests continue to be first time industrial logging albeit with FSC certification, NGO approval and REDD+ funding. The second email for the alert takes Rainforest Action Network further to task for refusing to acknowledge and discuss concerns with their full-on support for primary forest logging through their FSC membership. See related facebook page: Greenpeace and RAN Out of FSC Primary Forest

SAY NO! To Global Shale Gas Fracking’s Final Human Descent into Ecocidal Barbarity

By Ecological Internet's Climate Ark Climate Change Portal TAKE ACTION HERE NOW! It is simply wrong to blow up the Earth destroying scarce water for limited energy with no climate benefits as purported. New science shows shale gas fracking [search] equally damaging to climate as other fossil fuels including coal, and last week there was a major toxic fracking water release into Pennsylvania’s waterways; yet fracking remains largely unregulated by the EPA in the United States. Meanwhile the rest of the world is following America’s lead, with fracking spreading to China, South Africa, Europe and elsewhere. However protest is spreading too. The human family must not allow every last ecosystem to be destroyed, destroying our shared biosphere, before we transition from wasteful unsustainable energy to 100% truly renewable energy. Tell the Obama administration to set a good example and heavily regulate fracking, or outlaw this newest ecocidal energy source before it spreads.

RELEASE: Earth Day 2011: Peace with Earth Day

Re-Declaration of Planetary Ecological Emergency by Ecological Internet From Earth's Newsdesk and New Earth Rising, projects of Ecological Internet (EI) Contact: Dr. Glen Barry, President, Ecological Internet A year ago today Ecological Internet (EI) during Earth Day 2010 declared a planetary ecological emergency. After the past year’s Gulf oil spill, multiple nuclear meltdowns and unaddressed abrupt climate change escalates; it is eminently evident that Earth’s ecosystems are crashing. On Earth Day 2011, EI reiterates call for an immediate and escalating people’s power Earth Revolution on behalf of Earth, all her life, and the human family. And for the entire human family to find a way – each and every – to get out and plant organic Earth victory gardens, and protect and restore ecosystems. Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet’s President, says “The human family faces the imminent collapse of the biosphere – the thin layer of life organized into ecosystems, upon an otherwise lifeless planet – that makes Earth habitable. As noted a year ago today, human pressures on Earth System’s life-support systems continue at such a dramatic scale that they are causing global ecosystems to collapse. Escalating people power revolutionary action may be the only adequate measures that exist to stop abrupt ...

TAKE ACTION! Please Support New Earth Rising: The Book

From New Earth Rising, project of Ecological Internet (EI) Contact: Dr. Glen Barry, President, Ecological Internet Dear EI supporters, For the past seven years, I - Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet’s President – have been researching and writing a book entitled “New Earth Rising” that as a political ecologist academically considers an escalating Global People’s Earth Revolution. The book is done in first draft, yet there are not enough funds for two months of writing to finish a polished final, hire an editor, and get it published. I am now writing this special appeal for donations to Ecological Internet to finish the book. Please donate to the “New Earth Rising” book project specifically at .

ALERT! Ban Nuclear Energy and the Bomb, Time for True Renewables Only

By Ecological Internet's Climate Ark Climate Change Portal TAKE ACTION HERE NOW! Along with the fossil fuels coal, tar sands and natural gas; nuclear energy literally a dead end energy policy for Earth, all creatures and human family. Let's get it done, ban the bomb, ban nuclear energy, and commit to serious, life-saving climate and energy policy including energy conservation, efficiency & using only truly renewables. This will require more simple, sharing and meaningful lives. All existing nuclear energy plants, waste and weapons are accidents waiting to happen - vile deadly toxins to be dealt with for millenium. Japan is facing the worst nuclear crisis since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Multiple explosions have hit the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, several reactors have lost their cooling systems, raising fears of meltdown(s). Radiation levels have been detected as far as 100 miles away. Many people have tested positive for radiation exposure, and hundreds of thousands of have been evacuated, with the number expected to rise.

EARTH MEANDERS: Long Live the Cheddar Rebellion, We Are All Wisconsinites Now

On Wisconsin, forward, sift, winnow for freedom, worker and ecology rights By Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet Earth Meanders come from Earth's Newsdesk Global people's power rebellions sweeping Middle East and American states are our last best chance for shared abundance on a finite Earth. We are one human family with natural human rights to freedom, worker rights, ecological sustainability, equity, knowledge, truth and justice. This essay calls for continued protest, more civil disobedience and a general strike if necessary to achieve these ideals in Madison and the world. In the late winter/very early spring of Cheesehead discontent, the Cheddar Rebellion in Wisconsin is resisting a corporate take-over of the state by the neo-Fascist wing of the GOP teabagger nuthouse. The new tyrannical Governor – Scott Walker – is bent upon stripping teachers and other public workers of their collective bargaining rights; pushing through massive tax breaks for corporations and the rich at the expense of education, unions, workers and the poor; and deregulating environmental protections while selling the state to corporate interests. I don't believe in Scott Walker's god or family values yet he sure as hell is ramming them down my/our throats. He and his ilk continually vilify teachers, firefighters and ...