Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
ALERT! Tell President Obama and Movie Academy: No Fracking Way to Water Contamination from Natural Gas Production
Posted by Water Conservation Blog on February 22nd, 2011
By Ecological Internet's Climate Ark Climate Change Portal
Natural gas is being touted as a solution to Americas growing energy needs, yet its production through hydraulic fracturing (fracking [search]) severely threatens the nation's water, land, air and health. Let the U.S. President and movie industry know the global family and biosphere need bold leadership right now to stop toxic natural gas fracking and solve other global ecology issues. Given the preciousness of water in a climate changing world, it is critical to global ecological sustainability that this land pulverizing, toxic water destroying process be banned. We must not allow every last ecosystem to be destroyed before we transition from unsustainable energy use to truly renewable energy.
EARTH MEANDERS: Ecological Internet: Being Green and Meaning It
Posted by Water Conservation Blog on January 22nd, 2011
Caring for Earth is cool; not caring, overly consuming, greenwashing, ecological ignorance, superstition and inaction are not acceptable
By Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet
Earth Meanders come from Earth's Newsdesk
The Earths life is some 3.5 billion years old. In a mere 300 years human super-predators have taken it upon themselves to cut and burn other life forms to make a more comfortable life. Most are blissfully unaware that they are destroying their habitat. Remedial actions are orders of magnitude inadequate, band-aids instead of open heart surgery. We will quickly halt this growing industrialization, commit to ecosystem protection and restoration, and return to the forest garden, or we will all die. Really, if we continue as we are, the biosphere and ecosystems collapse taking being with it. And it will be grisly.
I havent written a really good rip-snorting Earth Meanders in awhile; though this is largely what I am known for doing. I use to meander quite frequently, writing personal essays in the tradition of Montesquieu looking at ecological sustainability in relation to other social issues, showing it is all related with ecology as the unifier. Nor have I literally ruminated regarding my life and ecology like I use to, spilling my guts ...
RELEASES: Utne Reader Names Ecological Internet’s Leader a Visionary (2)
Posted by Water Conservation Blog on January 18th, 2011
National Magazine Selects Glen Barry Among 25 People Who Are Changing the World
From Earth's Newsdesk and New Earth Rising, projects of Ecological Internet (EI)
Contact: Dr. Glen Barry, President, Ecological Internet
GREEN BAY, Wis. (Jan. 14, 2011) Utne Reader, the best of the alternative press, names Glen Barry, founder of Ecological Internet, a visionary who is making the world a better place. Barry is among 25 people the magazine has chosen for its November/December issue, on newsstands now.
An early political blogger, Barry has built a large network for ecological change. His global grassroots advocacy adds muscle to local environmental fights all over the world, and when mainstream green groups fall short, he speaks up. Barry resides in Green Bay.
EARTH MEANDERS: Ecological Internet: Being Green and Meaning It
Posted by Water Conservation Blog on December 26th, 2010
By Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet
Earth Meanders come from Earth's Newsdesk
Caring for Earth is cool; not caring, overly consuming, greenwashing, ecological ignorance, superstition and inaction are not acceptable
The Earths life is some 3.5 billion years old. In a mere 300 years human super-predators have taken it upon themselves to cut and burn other life forms to make a more comfortable life. Most are blissfully unaware that they are destroying their habitat. Remedial actions are orders of magnitude inadequate, band-aids instead of open heart surgery. We will quickly halt this growing industrialization, commit to ecosystem protection and restoration, and return to the forest garden, or we will all die. Really, if we continue as we are, the biosphere and ecosystems collapse taking being with it. And it will be grisly.
I havent written a really good rip-snorting Earth Meanders in awhile; though this is largely what I am known for doing. I use to meander quite frequently, writing personal essays in the tradition of Montesquieu looking at ecological sustainability in relation to other social issues, showing it is all related with ecology as the unifier. Nor have I literally ruminated regarding my life and ecology like I use to, spilling my guts ...
Ecological Internet Strong, Bold & Almost To Goal
Posted by Water Conservation Blog on December 22nd, 2010
Keep grassroots global biocentric portals and advocacy for global ecological sustainability. 10 DAYS TO GIFT EIS EARTH ADVOCACY!
Dear fellow Earth lovers,
Together we are the largest, most effective biocentric campaign for global ecological sustainability. Though small in stature, Ecological Internets network is large in ecology knowledge, passion and reach. Thank Gaia our 2010 year-end fund-raiser is nearly complete. We are extremely gratified that 276 Earth lovers have donated $43,446 ensuring EIs unique Internet brand of ecological informatics systems and global ecology action network continues to mid-2011. This week Finlands forests protected, next year the world!
While EIs basic expenses are covered, raising the remaining $6,500 to meet our $50K goal at is the difference between just getting by (and the risk of running out of money, yikes!) and having additional needed staff & tools to optimally promote the protection and restoration of ecosystems, and ultimately our shared biosphere.
ALERT! Stop UK Government’s Grand Forest Sell-off, Urge Protection and Restoration for the People’s Old Forests
Posted by Water Conservation Blog on November 11th, 2010
The UK government plans to put half of England's state-owned forests up for sale to private firms to raise billions to reduce the budget deficit and as a give-away to the nascent biomass industry. Ancient woodlands [search], regenerating natural forests and planted trees all provide important ecosystems and could be chopped down to make way for holiday villages, golf courses and commercial logging. This is theft of the English cultural heritage with woodlands and natural landscapes. Instead the UK government should fully protect many of these woodlands, fund forest ecological restoration and native plantation establishment, and strive in haste to get to 25% forest cover and beyond for their own ecological sustainability.
FUNDING APPEAL: Please Help Ecological Internet Raise the Roof on Ecological Sustainability
Posted by Water Conservation Blog on November 4th, 2010
Celebrating an enormously successful 2010, Ecological Internet (EI) asks for your continued financial support, as no one provides the thought, action and tools for global ecological sustainability like EI. We must still raise $60,000 by the end of the year to reach our goal to take us through mid-2011. Please donate now, joining the 130 others that have already, to allow the largest, most effective global network working tirelessly to avert global ecosystem collapse to continue to exist!
Dear colleagues,
Ecological Internet raises the roof on global ecological sustainability together bit by bit every day by providing unmatched biocentric analyses of sufficient global ecological policy-making imperatives, building the Internet knowledge bases and news aggregation tools in support of such policies, and repeatedly successfully targeting protests to advance the global ecological sustainability agenda. There is no comparable organization on the net or anywhere in the world, as together what we stand for are Earths needs, independent of and confronting the ignorant political winds of the day. EIs existence depends upon Earth Action Network and web site participants donating what they can afford now.
RELEASE VICTORY! UN to Impose Geoengineering Moratorium on Risky Climate Techno-Fixes
Posted by Water Conservation Blog on October 29th, 2010
Major victory for common sense as hacking of planetary ecosystems is premature until such time as all other options are exhausted; and there are global protocols, consensus and a sound scientific basis for any geoengineering that may or may not occur. This is the 8th major conservation victory for Ecological Internet (EI) in 2010, though chronic lack of funds and a slow 11th annual fund-raiser makes for an uncertain future for EIs ground-breaking biocentric advocacy.
NAGOYA, Japan Ecological Internet welcomes reports that the 193-member UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will close its tenth biennial meeting with a de facto moratorium on geoengineering [search] projects and experiments. This is a tremendous victory for the ETC Groups Hands Off Mother Earth campaign [1], which has carefully researched and presented the case for such a moratorium on planet hacking, and with whom Ecological Internet is affiliated. Any private or public experimentation or adventurism intended to manipulate the planetary thermostat will be in violation of this carefully crafted UN consensus, stated Silvia Ribeiro, Latin American Director of ETC Group.
In announcing the outcome, the ETC Group publicly thanked Ecological Internet for help winning a moratorium on Geoengineering and particularly those that had written to ...
ALERT! Canada to Place Pacific Coastal and Temperate Rainforest Ecosystems at Risk for Tar Sands Pipelines and Further Oil Addiction
Posted by Water Conservation Blog on October 27th, 2010
The proposed Canadian Enbridge Northern Gateway oil sands pipeline through British Columbias pristine temperate rainforests and coastal ecosystems seeks to export tar sand [search] synthetic petroleum to Asia. Tar sands oil production will increase by 30%; causing up to five times the climate change pollution as conventional crude oil, and turning boreal forest the size of New York and New Jersey into an ecological wasteland. B.C.'s precious and fragile temperate rainforests and coastal waters will be placed at risk by major industrial development, and First Nations' salmon economy endangered. A whole series of new pipelines are being built and planned which, like needles, will inject the U.S. and Asia with another dose of dirty oil over-development. Tar sands and boreal forest destruction [search] must end, not be negotiated upon and greenwashed in backrooms by foundation fed green NGOs, as has become the pattern in Canadian forest advocacy.
ALERT! Demand Upcoming Global Biodiversity Meeting Ban Geoengineering
Posted by Water Conservation Blog on October 12th, 2010
By Ecological Internet's Climate Ark Climate Change Portal
Geoengineering [search] is the proposed large scale manipulation of Earths oceans, soils and atmosphere with the intent of combating climate change. Modifying Earth at a planetary scale is so complex, and ecological and other side effects potentially so severe, that clearly humanity is incapable of safely engineering a biosphere [search]. Will a "Frankensphere" be constructed with dramatic unknown consequences to biodiversity and ecosystems, or will we choose to equitably reduce emissions, consumption and population? Next weeks Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10) meeting in Japan must pass a moratorium on live geoengineering testing. Failure will mean continued implementation of ecosystem destroying technologies precisely what has gotten us into our current climate dilemma.