Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Ecological Internet: Small Is Beautiful

2012 Mid-Year Fund-Raising Launch - Dear Earth friends, There is nothing like Ecological Internet on Earth, for Earth. For two decades this lean, highly effective effort has pioneered the use of the Internet for ecological protection. Our half a million strong global network has facilitated hundreds of environmental victories through online protest, biocentric advocacy tools, and sharing of deep green thought. Together we are having the same or greater impact for Earth as much larger organizations, without the greenwash. Today we launch our 13th annual mid-year fund-raiser to continue doing so. Together we must raise a minimum of $25,000 to pay for staffing, computers and bandwidth. Will you please donate $10, $35, $100 or what you can afford – right away – to get us started?

ALERT! End Old-Growth Temperate Rainforest Logging in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest

TAKE ACTION to protect key Asian elephant habitats and their ecosystems TAKE ACTION! It is time to end US old-growth logging, most of which exists in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest [search]. Please urge the federal government to see the salmon and ecosystems through the dwindling old-growth trees for timber, and shift the focus from logging to an ecological protection economy in Earth’s largest temperate rainforest. With only 0.5% of Tongass’s old-growth remaining – the last areas still containing very large 300-800 year old trees – it is unconscionable that the United States of America continues with proposals to log these last tiny patches. If proposals to further log Tongass’ last old forests advance, it further clearly illustrates the United States has zero international credibility on issues of primary forest protection, climate change, and policy to achieve global ecological sustainability.

EARTH MEANDERS: The Great Rainforest Heist

How environmental groups gone bad greenwash logging Earth’s last primary old forests Essay by Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet Earth Meanders come from Earth's Newsdesk The world’s pre-eminent environmental organizations, widely perceived as the leading advocates for rainforests and old growth, have for decades been actively promoting primary forest logging [search]. Groups like Greenpeace, Rainforest Action Network (RAN), The Nature Conservancy, Conservation International, World Wide Fund for Nature/World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Environmental Defense Fund actively promote industrially logging Earth’s last old forests. Through their support of the existing “Forest Stewardship Council” (FSC), and/or planned compromised “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation” (REDD), they are at the forefront of destroying ancient forests for disposable consumer items – claiming it is “sustainable forest management” and “carbon forestry”. Rainforest movement corruption is rampant as these big bureaucratic, corporatist NGOs conspire to log Earth's last primary rainforests and other old growth forests. Collectively the “NGO Old Forest Sell-Outs” are greenwashing FSC’s destruction of over 300,000,000 acres of old forests, destroying an area of primary rainforests and other old forests the size of South Africa (two times the size of Texas)! FSC and its members have built a massive market for continued business as usual ...

ALERT! Congo’s Rainforests – Including Gorilla Rich Virunga National Park – Targeted by UK’s SOCO Oil Company

By Ecological Internet's Rainforest Portal TAKE ACTION HERE NOW! The Congo Basin [search]– home to some of Earth’s last large, ecologically intact, biodiversity rich rainforests – may soon be decimated by oil rigs, pipelines, deforestation, and oil spills. SOCO International – a London-listed oil company – has announced oil exploration plans in Virunga National Park - Africa’s oldest national park. Virunga is an UNESCO World Heritage site, home to a large population of wild gorillas, and many other important wildlife species, ecosystems, and local forest-dependent communities. Oil exploration in these globally vital rainforest ecosystems will further set a dangerous precedent that nowhere – whether protected, or ecologically and socially important - is immune from oil industry destruction. Given record oil prices and growing global demand, it appears every last bit of Earth's large, wild and intact ecosystems will be sacrificed to industrial development – to extend our dependence upon fossil fuel, and delay transition now to renewable energy sources – while ensuring abrupt run-away climate change and global ecosystem collapse. Further rainforest ecocide for oil must end if we are to sustain global ecology. And standing old forests offer hope for advancement to the world’s forest dependent peoples. TAKE ACTION

ALERT! Critical Indian Elephant Habitat Threatened Again, Must Enact Important Elephant Corridor

TAKE ACTION to protect key Asian elephant habitats and their ecosystems TAKE ACTION! More than 6,000 Asian elephants [search] and hundreds of tigers still roam wild in South India, but rampant development and rapidly growing villages in the Sigur region of the Nilgiri foothills are choking off critical access corridors utilized by elephants to travel between still viable habitat areas. Following a 2006 national government declaration to protect elephant corridors (which Ecological Internet and YOU played a critical role in achieving), the Madras High Court of Tamil Nadu in 2010 issued an order to declare the Sigur Region an Elephant Corridor to regulate development and other activities affecting elephant habitat. Nevertheless, vested interests are vigorously opposing the order, causing the Tamil Nadu Ministry of Environment and Forests to delay action.

RELEASE: Top Earth Scientists Warn of Global Ecological Emergency

Ecological Internet – leading provider of Internet biocentric ecology news, action and analysis – joins with Earth’s best scientists in warning the human family faces imminent collapse of the biosphere – the thin layer of life organized into ecosystems – that makes Earth habitable and human well-being possible. From Earth's Newsdesk and New Earth Rising, projects of Ecological Internet (EI)Contact: Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet,, +1 (608) 381-5865 for interviews (Madison, WI) - Ecological Internet (EI) reiterates its declaration of a planetary ecological emergency [1], first issued two years ago. Since then abrupt climate change [search] has revealed itself in all its fury, habitat loss and extinction have intensified, food and water have become increasingly scarce, and human inequity and injustice have grown. Yet there have also been promising signs of a global awakening regarding global ecology, rights, and workers – seeds of revolutionary social change necessary to sustain global ecology. “There is no question global ecological systems are collapsing, as important planetary ecological boundaries have been – and continue to be – crossed. The human system’s fantastical growth, based upon liquidating nature, has finally caught up with us, and key ecosystems necessary to sustain global ecology are failing,” explains Dr. Barry. ...

ALERT! Only a Couple Days to Support European Union Labeling of Tar Sands as Highly Polluting

TAKE ACTION HERE NOW! The European Commission – the executive branch of the European Union (EU) – will be voting in the next couple days whether to designate Canada’s tar sands [search] as being “highly polluting”. Given tar sands’ terrible ecological impacts upon our shared global atmosphere – and Canadian boreal forests, water, and indigenous peoples - the answer should be painfully obvious, and a resounding YES. Such a designation would be a significant setback for tar sands growth. Yet given the power of the ecocidal oil oligarchy which rules Canada and much of the world, empowered global citizens need to let the EU know the world expects, indeed demands, the EU do the right thing in condemning tar sands – in order to establish a level playing field for a renewable, efficient, and conservation based energy future.

EARTH MEANDERS: On Violence and Earth Revolution

Imagining the human family coming together to take well considered, decisive, and minimally or non-violent action to sustain global ecology By Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet Earth Meanders come from Earth's Newsdesk Human Family’s Ecocidal Death Wish The ecological foundation of being is unraveling before our very eyes. Without ecosystems there is no life. Fiercely loving Earth is the answer. Let's sustain global ecology together like our shared survival and abundance depends upon it. And while we set out using classic civil disobedience tactics, let’s not dismiss out of hand any obstruction, uncivil disobedience, sabotage and targeted insurgency tactics – that are non-terrorist – and that may be necessary to achieve global ecological sustainability. The human family’s shared survival depends upon passionately defending Earth using all means necessary. Earth's ecosystems are collapsing under the burden of human growth, destroying our one shared biosphere that makes life possible. Industrial growth – frantically destroying ecosystems to feed insatiable, ever-growing appetites – is an aberration, a mistake, a disease. If left untreated, this will be the end of the human family, all life, and Earth's very being. Infinite economic growth at the expense of ecosystems is impossible, and seeking endless and inequitable growth in consumption and population ...

ALERT! Stop Peru’s Road to Rainforest Ecocide and Genocide of Uncontacted Indigenous Tribes

By Ecological Internet's Rainforest Portal TAKE ACTION HERE NOW! Plans are to build a highway through Alto Purus - Peru’s largest national park – comprised of vital intact Amazonian rainforest ecosystems and inhabited by at least two 'uncontacted' indigenous tribes [search]. The Alto Purus protected rainforest in south-east Peru is an area of incredible biodiversity covering some of the most pristine forests in the southwestern Amazon and home to jaguars, monkeys and pink dolphins. To cut it with a road would compromise the integrity of the entire Amazonion basin and trigger the swift demise of some of Earth’s last isolated hunting and gathering tribes. One of the 'uncontacted' tribes in the park is known as the 'Mashco-Piro', thought to be the largest group i

TOP 5 REASONS to Help Ecological Internet Raise Its Last $3,700

... and finish our end-of-year fund-raiser, allowing EI's vital work sustaining global ecology to continue. Donate Now! Dear colleagues, We have nearly raised our adjusted goal of $25,000 to continue our unique brand of ecological sustainability advocacy. Yet we cannot go on unless we raise the remaining few thousand dollars to pay for much needed computer software updates for our one-of-a-kind action alerts and search engines. Here are the top 5 reasons for you to donate now what you can afford at