Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Once Raise Last $10K EI Intends Major Web Site Updates in Coming Months

Over the past 24 hours Ecological Internet's supporters have donated $2,500 in small, tax-deductible gifts.EI deeply appreciates your generosity! Together we must raise $11,000 more to fully meet 2011 expenses and to even remain operational. Please donate now! Upon successful completion of the fund-raiser, EI intends to start major updates to our blogging platform, action alert capabilities and search engines. Please expect upcoming web site disruptions. EI has been nearly entirely user-supported, meeting our modest needs by passing the hat, since 1999. Please donate what you can afford to EI's grassroots global ecology advocacy. EI’s brand of radical ecology truth-telling is not likely to be foundation funded, so we need YOU to keep doing so.

ALERT! No Fracking Way! South Africa’s Species Rich Succulent Karoo Desert is too Water Poor for Gas Drilling

TAKE ACTION HERE NOW! Local activists in South Africa are protesting now on the ground against fracking [search], and they need our support. Large parts of South Africa's beautiful, but water-poor and ecologically sensitive Karoo [search] desert, are under threat of devastation by natural gas drilling operations using the increasingly notorious, controversial and ecologically devastating technique called hydraulic fracturing or 'fracking'. The Karoo region is one of the world’s most ecological and evolutionary unique arid ecosystems and biodiversity hotspot. Unfortunately, the Karoo may also hold vast deposits of fossil fuel natural gas in shale rock deep underground, and the ancient "fossil" water aquifers that exist are inadequate for and threatened by fracking production. The announcement of Shell’s intention to pursue shale gas fracking in this area has been followed by huge opposition from local communities in the Karoo and the rest of South Africa. Today and tomorrow local South African activists are protesting Shell oil and others’ plans to “frack” the Karoo for natural gas production outside an industry conference in Johannesburg. There is nothing to indicate blasting toxic water at high pressure to shatter rock and release toxic contamination will ever be environmentally acceptable much less sustainable. Please participate in Ecological ...

Ecological Internet Needs Your Gift to Continue Bearing Witness and Resisting Ecocide

Donate now please to EI's 2011 $40K mid-year fund-raiser! There is a New Earth Rising and ecology visionaries on the net need funds to work and meet basic computer and programming expenses. Already nearly 2/3 of EI's goal has been raised - $24,537 from 171 donors! To continue operating with certainty and a secure resource base, EI needs to raise the remaining $15,463 in the next three weeks. Please donate NOW! Dear Ecological Internet friends, Together we have been working with some success to end primary forest logging, herald in an era of old forest protection and restoration, in order to allow for standing old forests to benefit local people and sustain global ecology. Ecological Internet (EI) has also been leading the fights against geo-engineering, fracking, tar sands, abrupt climate change, nuclear energy, GM trees, local old growth logging, and for peace and human rights. We do so by developing and explaining ecologically sufficient solutions, providing the best biocentric ecology knowledge tools, and organizing global protest to sustain ecology on the Internet. As you may imagine, by taking on such powerful foes, EI has begun to face all sorts of opposition, vilification and downright hatred. Don?t leave us all alone, penniless, ...

ALERT! Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Is Primary Forest Logging: Clearing Rainforests for Plantations Is NOT Sustainable, Members Must Stop Greenwash or Resign

By Ecological Internet's Rainforest Portal TAKE ACTION HERE NOW! The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) [search] brand gets 70% of its timber and pulp by greenwashing current and planned destruction of 130,000,000 hectares of primary rainforests and other old forests – an area the size of South Africa. This week - at FSC’s tri-annual General Assembly in Malaysia – the ecocidal greenwash worsens, as FSC may start certifying plantations timbers from land cleared of primary rainforests [search] as being "sustainable" as well. Being the best ecocidal rainforest destroyer is nothing to be proud of – all such deadly old forest certification schemes must stop. Please call upon all FSC members to reject the certification of primary forests by resigning immediately, as many others have recently done. Further, demand FSC immediately stop certifying primary forest logging or disband itself now during their meeting. Thank you for participating in EI's on-going global campaign to end primary forest logging, and to protect and restore old forests, as keystone responses to abrupt climate change, biodiversity loss and global ecosystem collapse.

ALERT! End U.S. FrankenTree Experiments: Genetically Engineered Trees Risky, Unnecessary and Must Be Resisted until Banned

TAKE ACTION HERE NOW! “Eucalyptus is the perfect neoliberal tree. It grows quickly, turns a quick profit in the global market and destroys the earth.” Jaime Aviles, La Jornada. Over a quarter of a million genetically altered eucalyptus trees have been incautiously approved for planting by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Ultimately GE tree [search] company ArborGen plans to sell these FrankenTrees for planting across millions of hectares from Texas to Florida - undoubtedly with some sort of sustainability greenwash for biofuel, pulp and timber. You can help us stop this disaster before it is too late. These genetically modified eucalyptus trees are like the notoriously aggressively expanding Kudzu plant invaders, but explosively flammable and toxic. In the 1990s and early 2000s a similar threat in Europe was largely rebuffed through direct action – together people simply destroyed the tree saplings. Discuss Alert:

Ecological Internet: Continually Pushing Boundaries of Internet Use to Sustain Ecology

After inventing blogging, creating and managing Earth’s best ecology portals, including with real search engines and unsurpassed email protest capabilities; Ecological Internet very much needs your help to continue innovating on use of the Internet for ecology. We are 44% to our goal to take us to the end of the year, but still need to raise $22,000. Make your tax-deductible donation now please - Earth and you will be glad you did. Dear Ecological Internet friends, Increasingly Ecological Internet’s biocentric ecology campaigning and news sharing is taking place on Facebook and Twitter social networks (see voluminous full list of accounts and newsfeeds) and sign up if you have not yet done so. We believe our use of social networks – which allows information to flow virally from friend to friend – is increasing our effectiveness as witnessed by our recent major victory helping protect Tanzania’s Serengeti wildlife migrations from a road through its ecosystem core. Over the past year EI has developed and programmed its own unmatched Twitter and Facebook tools and methods to spread biocentric news and views regarding what is required to avoid global ecosystem collapse. As we gather and comment upon news items for our biocentric ecology ...

RELEASE/VICTORY! Ecological Internet Successfully Leads in Protection of the Serengeti Wildlife Migration

EI 2011 Mid-Year Fund-Raiser Update: 44% to goal, $ 17,542 raised from 142 donors, $22,458 or 44% to go. Do you want more huge ecology victories like majorly contributing to protecting the Serengeti from roads – and many dozen equally important victories (see highlights at ) in the past? Then please, donate now to celebrate this huge victory: By Earth's Newsdesk, a project of Ecological Internet (EI) CONTACT: Dr. Glen Barry, The Tanzanian government has cancelled for now a road that would have cut through the northern portion of the Serengeti National Park [search]. The road would have threatened the entire ecosystem and cut the migration routes of wildebeest, elephant, antelope, zebra and much other magnificent wildlife. Serengeti's migrations [search] are one of the natural wonders of the world. The proposed and nearly constructed major commercial highway – to be located near the Kenyan border – would have been in the most remote and pristine area in the Park’s entire ecosystem. It was expected that by 2015 some 800 vehicles a day would cross the park. The road would have physically blocked the migration, introduced invasive species, and led to greater poaching – ultimately killing the migration altogether.

ALERT! Stop UN Climate Science Panel Moves to Fund, Research & Implement Geoengineering “Climate Solution”

By Ecological Internet's Climate Ark Climate Change Portal TAKE ACTION HERE NOW! Geoengineering is the proposed large scale manipulation of Earth’s oceans, soils, sunlight and atmosphere with the intent of combating climate change. With no mandate, the UN's International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [search] has begun talks on funding geoengineering research [search]. Past adoption of virtually all major new technologies regardless of risk shows us if developed, geoengineering will surely be implemented. Modifying Earth at a planetary scale is so complex, and ecological and other side effects potentially so severe, that dire unintended consequences are certain. Simply, a biosphere cannot be engineered. The only way to address climate and ecology change is to end ecosystem loss and fossil fuel use; while equitably reducing emissions, consumption and population. Tell the United Nations to get out of the business of geoengineering, and lead by example in embracing social change and personal transformation adequate to achieve global climate and ecological sustainability.

ALERT! Protect Moscow’s Khimki Forest and Russia’s Other Old Forest Remnants from Roadways and Ecocidal Industrial Capitalism

TAKE ACTION HERE NOW! Activists continue to battle road construction equipment in the old-growth Khimki Forest [search] just outside of Moscow, setting an example for old forest protectors and global ecological sustainability protestors globally. Industrial development that destroys ecosystems is ecocidal, destroying possibility for future human advancement. For years Russian activists and journalists have survived beatings, arrests and intimidation to protest and report on the amazing grassroots movement to protect – including when necessary to fight for – Russia's remaining urban old forest remnants. Such a movement is needed globally to protect and restore primary, old-growth and other old forests for global forest, climate, biodiversity, ecosystem and ecological sustainability. EI has successfully contributed to the Khimki Forest protection campaign in the past and we expect you all to please come out and do so again.

ALERT! Ken to Barbie Doll and Greenpeace USA: Not Coming Back Just Because You Say Your Wood Is FSC Certified

By Ecological Internet's Rainforest Portal TAKE ACTION HERE NOW! Greenpeace's quirky new rainforest campaign [search] says Ken is leaving Barbie (Mattel's dolls) because of rainforest destruction, yet they leave the door open for "certified" primary rainforest paper pulp for toy packaging. Ecological Internet will not accept an outcome from Greenpeace USA's Barbie campaign that includes FSC certified papers from Indonesia's primary rainforests [search]. Let Greenpeace and Mattel - manufacturers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, which Greenpeace USA alleges contains rainforest pulp in its packaging - know that paper derived from primary rainforests and certified by Forest Stewardship Council is not ecologically sustainable. Greenpeace must be encouraged to resign from FSC greenwash; and work to end primary forest logging, protect and restore standing old forests, for local and global advancement and ecology.