ALERT! Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Is Primary Forest Logging: Clearing Rainforests for Plantations Is NOT Sustainable, Members Must Stop Greenwash or Resign

By Ecological Internet's Rainforest Portal


The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) [search] brand gets 70% of its timber and pulp by greenwashing current and planned destruction of 130,000,000 hectares of primary rainforests and other old forests – an area the size of South Africa. This week - at FSC’s tri-annual General Assembly in Malaysia – the ecocidal greenwash worsens, as FSC may start certifying plantations timbers from land cleared of primary rainforests [search] as being "sustainable" as well. Being the best ecocidal rainforest destroyer is nothing to be proud of – all such deadly old forest certification schemes must stop.

Please call upon all FSC members to reje...

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